Dear Sir / Madam,
Design, a modern technology service industry orienting market, production and people’s daily life, determines the product life-cycle and value creation of the whole industry chain. Innovation design, a vital part of China's innovation-driven development strategy, is incorporated into the "Made in China 2025". It is the key to China's economic transformation & upgrade, and is also the era call of thegreat-leap-forward developmentfrom "Made in China" to "Created in China" .
In response to "the Belt and Road" national strategy on the ground of the "the Belt and Road" policy, this Summit will be held to focus on the significant function of innovative design in promoting China's economic and industrial transformation and upgrading.
【Sponsors】Shaanxi Industrial Design Association, Shaanxi Interior Decoration Association, Shaanxi Sign Industry Association, Shaanxi Packaging Technology Association, Art Design Committee of Shaanxi Artists Association
【Host】Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
【Organizers】College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology; Shaanxi Province Industrial Design Engineering Laboratory
【Co-organizers】Xi’An Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Design; Xi’An Jiaotong University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Art; Northwest A&F University, School of Landscape Architecture; Northwestern University, School of Art; Shaanxi Normal University, Academy of Fine Arts; Chang'An University, School of Architecture; Xi'An University of Technology, School of Art and Design; Xi'An University of Architecture and Technology, School of Art; Xi'An University of Science and Technology, School of Art; Xi'An International Studies University, School of Art; Xi'An Technological University, School of Art and Media; Xi'An University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Digital Arts; Xi'An Shiyou University, school of Humanities; Xi'An Polytechnic University, Clothing and Art Design; Xi'An University, School of Art; Shaanxi Xueqian Normai University, Department of Fine Arts; Yan'An University, Lu Xun Academy of Art; Weinan Normal University, School of Fine Arts; Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, College of Art; Xianyang Normal College, School of Design; Yulin University, School of Art; Ankang University, School of Art
- 大会主题/Theme
Embrace Culture, Enhance Cooperation, and Jointly Promote Design Innovation
This summit, themed on international innovative design, has invited renowned experts, scholars and design masters at home and abroad to exchange ideas on the theories and methods of the most cutting-edge international innovation fields from the perspectives on modern design concepts and methods, design resources integration and cross-cultural communication. This summit also discusses, under "the Belt and Road" strategy background, how to promote innovative design activities, collaborative innovation approach of "Production - Study - Research -Application" mode, approaches and methods of creating innovative design platforms, strategies to enhance innovative design, transformation of innovative design into social value, deep integration with related disciplines and industries for a fast and healthy development of design discipline.
This summit also aims to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in the design field, promotes coordinated development of design science with related disciplines, and provides impetus to transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, involving industrial design, product design, animation and digital design, environmental design, visual communication and media design, information and interactive design, design management and other related disciplines, and covering design theory, design practice, design industry, design education etc.. Starting from the market demand and resource integration, this summit explores the design concept and design logic under the cross-culture background, and provides a "innovative design" interpretation for "Created in China".
- 论坛专家/Guests
【国外嘉宾】/Foreign Guests
Pieter Desmet(TU Delft/荷兰代尔夫特理工大学教授);
Professor Pieter Desmet, Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands;
Steven Fokkinga(TU Delft/荷兰代尔夫特理工大学博士后研究员);
Steven Fokkinga, Postdoctoral Researcher of Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands;
Martin Woolley(Coventry University/英国考文垂大学原设计学院院长、教授);
Professor Martin Woolley, former dean of Coventry University, UK;
Anne Stenros(Helsinki/芬兰赫尔辛基市政府首席设计官、博士);
Doctor Anne Stenros, Chief Design Officer of Helsinki Municipal Government;
Haian Xue(Aalto University/芬兰赫尔辛基阿尔托大学设计学博士研究员);
Haian Xue, Doctoral Researcher of Design Science, Aalto University, Netherlands;
【国内嘉宾】/ Domestic Guests
Professor He Renke, Member of the State Council Design Discipline Appraisal Group / Director of Teaching Steering Committee on Industrial Design, Ministry of Education / Dean and Professor, School of Design, Hu’nan University;
宁 钢(国务院设计学学科评议组成员/中国陶瓷艺术大师/景德镇陶瓷大学副校长、教授);
Professor Ning Gang, Member of the State Council Design Discipline Appraisal Group / Chinese Ceramic Art Master / Vice President and Professor of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute;
Professor Li Lixin, Member of the State Council Design Discipline Appraisal Group / Executive Editor of "Art and Design" Magazine / Director, Scientific Research Division of Nanjing University of the Art (NJUA) / Professor, School of Design, NJUA ;
Professor Wu Haiyan, Member of the State Council Design Discipline Appraisal Group / Vice Chairman of China Fashion Designers Association / Dean, School of Design, China Academy of Art;
Professor Yu Suihuai, Member of Teaching Steering Committee on Industrial Design, Ministry of Education / Vice Chairman of China Industrial Design Association / Director, Research Institute of Industrial Design, Northwestern Polytechnic University;
Mr. Han Jiaying, Most Valuable 50 Designers in China By 2016 Forbes / Member of Alliance Graphique Internationale, AGI /Founder of Han Jiaying Design Co., Ltd.;
陈 丹(7026威尼斯官网设计与艺术学院特聘院长、教授/2010品牌中国十大设计师/国家标准化管理委员会会员/中国国家画院研究员/正邦品牌顾问服务集团董事长);
Professor Chen Dan, Specially Appointed Dean, College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology / Top Ten Designers for 2010 Brand China / Member of National Standardization Management Committee / Researcher in Chinese National Academy of Fine Arts / Chairman of Beijing Zhengbang Culture and Art Development Co., Ltd. ;
张建民(中国工业设计十佳杰出设计师/全国首批高级工业设计师/IDSA美国工业设计师协会成员/CIGA Design品牌创始人/中国工业设计十佳——深圳中世纵横董事长兼创意群总监);
Mr. Zhang Jianmin, Top Ten Outstanding Designers for Industrial Design in China / First Senior Industrial Designers in China / Member of Industrial Designers Society of America, IDSA / Founder of CIGA Design Brand / Chairman and Group Creative Director of CIGA Design, Top Ten Chinese Industrial Design Brand;
Professor Zhan Qinchuan, Executive Dean, College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology.
【Date】May 22~May 23, 2017
【Venue】Academic Lecture Hall, 1stFloor of Fuhui Library, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'An, China
四、会务费用/Conference Fee
Conference Fee: RMB800 / person (Hotel booking service is included but Accommodation Fee is at your own expense).
Looking forward to your presence!
College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology
Shaanxi Provincial Laboratory of Industrial Design Engineering
April 2017
2017 International Innovation Design Summit (Xi'An) / Receipt
会议名称及时间地点 Summit Name, Date and Venue |
2017国际创新设计(西安)高峰论坛 2017 International Innovation Design Summit (Xi'An) 【时间】2017年5月22日~23日 【地点】中国·西安·7026威尼斯官网 【Date】May 22, 2017 to May 23, 2017 【Venue】Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'An, China |
参会单位地址及邮编 Address and Post Code of Participants |
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是否需要 协助预定酒店 Hotel Reservation |
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房间数量 Room Numbers |
____个标准间:男____人女____人 Standard Rooms (for Male and Female) |
- 以上信息请填写后,请将回执单于5月14日前,回传至大会联系人QQ邮箱!大会席位有限,敬请尽早预约,以报名回执为准!
- 联系人:关瑛/ 7026威尼斯官网·设计与艺术学院 / 电话:029-86168317 / QQ:463355769
◆This Receipt form should be filled and forwarded to463355769@qq.comprior to May 14. Your earliest reply is recommended for the limited capacity.
◆Contact: Mrs.Guan Ying / Tel: +86-29-8616 8317 / QQ: 463355769 / College of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology